Lauren Sanders

REAIM Summit 2024: Slowly but Surely towards Better Governance of Military Artificial Intelligence? From The Hague to Seoul

The second international summit on Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain (REAIM) took place in Seoul on 9 and 10 September 2024, some 18 months after the inaugural summit, held in Netherlands in February 2023. This time, Kenya, Singapore and the United Kingdom joined the event’s original founders, Netherlands and South Korea, as co-hosts. … Read more

Global powers are grappling with ‘responsible’ use of military AI. What would that look like?

Last week, some 2,000 government officials and experts from around the world met for the REAIM (Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain) summit in Seoul, South Korea. This was the second event of its kind, with the first one held in the Netherlands in February 2023. During this year’s summit, 61 countries endorsed a … Read more

Assessing Australia’s ‘System of Control’ Approach

Many States and regional and international organisations have espoused lists of principles they consider necessary for an autonomous weapon systems (AWS), or military artificial intelligence (MAI) systems more broadly, to be considered ‘responsible’ (see, for example, the US Guidelines, the UK principles, the NATO principles and the Chinese, among many more).  Technical standards, such as … Read more

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 and Dassault Rafale

State Submissions on the Legal Review of AWS and Possible Good Practices

The review of weapons, means, and methods of warfare for compliance with international law has attracted significant attention during the international debate about the regulation and use of autonomous weapon systems (AWS). Legal reviews have been cited as one tool States can use to ensure that any use of AWS complies with their international legal … Read more